kasahorow Wolof

Ayubés ::: Week

kasahorow Sua, date(2016-8-11)-date(2023-12-13)

Add "ayubés" ::: "week" in Wolof ::: English to your vocabulary.
ayubés ::: week, nom.1 ::: nom.1
/-a-y-u-b-e-y--zh/ ::: /-w-er-er-k/

Examples of ayubés ::: week
Usage: ayubés feeñal ::: this week

Indefinite article: ab ayubés ::: a week
Definite article: ayubés bi ::: the week
Possessives 1
1 sama ayubés ::: my week
2 sa ayubés ::: your week
3 ñoom ayubés ::: her week (f.)
am ayubés ::: his week (m.)

Wolof ::: English Dictionary Series 14

ayubés ::: week in other languages
  1. Exercise: ayubés ::: week in English? _____________
  2. Exercice: ayubés ::: week en français? _____________
  3. Sprachübung: ayubés ::: week auf Deutsch? _____________
  4. Bɔ hɔ biom: ayubés ::: week wɔ Akan mu? _____________
#ayubés #bis #dibéer #altine #talaata #àlarba #alxames #àjjuma #Gaawu #sama #sa #ñoom #am
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